#BeActive 2024 Awards Ceremony: and the winners are...
11/28/2024 Maria Malyshkina, ISCADirector-General Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen announced the winners of the 2024 #BeActive Awards at the annual European Week of Sport gala in Brussels on 26 November. The 12 finalists competed in the categories of Education, Workplace, Local Hero, and Across Generations for a grand prize. Each finalist received €2,500, and the winners received €10,000.
Photo by the EC
The awards aim to highlight best practices and local change-markers through the European Week of Sport and the HealthyLifestyle4All initiative.
Source: sport.ec.europa.eu
The shortlist for this category was:
- Fair Play Point zs, Czechia
- Sportunion Österreich, Austria
- Município de Paços de Ferreira, Portugal
Sportunion Österreich took the first place with the project “UGOTCHI - Punkten mit Klasse”, an innovative initiative that fosters a healthy lifestyle among children based on a reward system.
Learn more about “UGOTCHI - Punkten mit Klasse”project
In the picture (from left to right): Director-General Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen, winner of Education category - Sportunion Österreich, Andrea Milz, State Secretary for Sport and Volunteering – North Rhine-Westphalia (DE) - Photo by EC
This year’s nominees for this category were
- Métropole de Lyon, France
- Olympiazentrum Vorarlberg GmbH, Austria
- Association sportive de la Banque de France, France
The winner was Métropole de Lyon for their “Physical and wEllness balance Program for the Staff of Lyon Metropole” (PEPS) project which encourages all staff members, regardless of ability, to access wellness and physical activities either during lunch or at the end of the day.
Read more about project in Métropole de Lyon
In the picture (from left to right): Director-General Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen, winners of Workplace category - Métropole de Lyon, Josip Pavić, State Secretary for Sport (HR) - Photo by EC
Local Hero
In contention for this award were
- Bonny Madsen, Denmark
- Jacek Łuniewski, Poland
- Alessio Bernabò, Italy
The winner for this category is skipper Alessio Bernabò, who managed to empower individuals with disabilities to explore and engage in sailing with his Sailing Achievements Inspire Lives (S.A.I.L) project.
In the picture (from left to right): Ioannis Vroutsis, Alternate Minister for Education, Religious Affairs and Sports (EL), winner of Local Hero category - Alessio Bernabò, Director-General Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen - Photo by EC
Across Generations
The finalists in this category were
- Fundacja Rozwoju Sportu Espanola, Poland
- Associação Rede de Universidades da Terceira Idade, Portugal
- FITA - Federazione Italiana Taekwondo, Italy
Receiving the first-place prize was Fundacja Rozwoju Sportu Espanola for its project ‘Ninos’ that unites different social groups and builds communities through exercise and promoting the values of fair play and non-discrimination.
In the picture (from left to right): Director-General Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen, winners of Across Generation category - Fundacja Rozwoju Sportu Espanola, Petar Mladenov, Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports (BG) - Photo by EC
Congratulations to all the winners and finalists of the 2024 #BeActive Awards!
The recording of the #BeActive Awards Ceremony 2024 can be watched here.