The process of building a highway requires many steps. From the original idea of connecting more than two communities, to the planning, designing, and execution, the whole development requires hard work, motivation and time. But once the work is finalised, and we can see the result of our effort, the celebration time comes.
After several years of construction, the town of Silkeborg in Denmark was able to inaugurate its new highway with a once in a lifetime event. Race walks, roller skiing, roller skating, running, and cycling, and more than 24,000 people of all ages made up the two days full of physical activities, family and fun. ISCA as the National Coordinator Body of the European Week of Sport was present supporting the event, and motivating the participants and spectators to cheer up their day with the FlashMOVE.
Saturday 10 September, was the opening of the European Week of Sport, and the FlashMOVE as the official opening event surprised the continent. Silkeborg was part of it, with more than 70 spontaneous dancers, from little kids to grownups. And the whole event has a similar vibe.
On Friday 9 September, ISCA was present at the EXPO, an indoor space where all participants picked up their racing number and t-shirts. That was the first contact with the people who were set to make Silkeborg move the next day. Saturday greeted us with magnificent sun that brought extra joy to the massive event that has taken over the city. In the morning hours curious passers-by approached the stand to learn more about the European Week of Sport, the NowWeMOVE campaign, and ISCA. The brave ones took part in a dance challenge learning the steps of the FlashMOVE and getting ready for the big moment.
At 13:30, in the company of a gymnast group from Silkeborg, and the lead Tinna Ølholm Jørgensen from DGI Midtjylland, the real party started. With an explosion of energy, the sounds of SportMalta’s FlashMOVE theme tune ALE O were heard all over the field, and Silkeborg put themselves on the European FlashMOVE map.
On Sunday the bikes took over. Professional cyclists as well as everyday city bike riders took to the highway to take a look at it, enjoy its feats of engineering and do some exercise. ISCA President, Mogens Kirkeby, was there as part of the DGI cycling team.
Today Silkeborg is back to its normal rhythm, but with a brand new highway connecting people and towns. The FlashMOVE has the same effect over the weekend, connecting Europe under one song, one dance and one heart.