Registration opens for European Week of Sport in Denmark
Two brand new flagship events to be launched
Following on from a successful European Week of Sport campaign in 2016, which included the Copenhagen Half Marathon, a motorway fun run, activities for seniors and street soccer finals, the registrations the 2017 edition of the European Week of Sport in Denmark are now open on the campaign website. ISCA has been designated by the Danish Ministry of Culture and the EU to coordinate the #BeActive activities in Denmark again in 2017.
The European Week of Sport (EWoS) in Denmark will coincide with the official dates of the European Week of Sport, 23-30 September 2017.
Two flagship events and many associated events spread across the country will take place during the week. On 23 September, the #BeActive Day of Team Sports and Health will take place in several cities, and is being organised by the Copenhagen Centre for Team Sport and Health at the University of Copenhagen, along with partners DGI and the Sports Confederation of Denmark (DIF) in support for their Move for Life (Bevæg Dig for Livet) campaign. The partners will create a village of open “try-it” activities in ballgames such as Football Fitness, Handball Fitness and Floorball, aimed at adults who want to discover non-competitive, fun ways of being physically active.
The second flagship event is the Marguerit Run (Margueritløbet) on 24 September. With its first test in 2016, and organised by Danish EWoS partners Danish Athletics Federation and DGI together with the Danish media company and publisher of the daily newspaper Politiken, this running event will be a combined series of 50+ local runs and more than 4000 runners, all connected via the picturesque outdoor tourism path called the Marguerit Route, on Zealand, Funen and Jutland. The event is especially designed for recreational runners who are looking for an active way to explore the Danish landscape.
Other events on this year’s Danish EWoS calendar include DGI’s Happy Moves street sport training sessions in seven Danish cities, spontaneous community physical activity events organised by the Ollerup Academy of Physical Education, #BeActive Walks organised by the Danish Ramblers’ Association, several GoRun weekend training sessions, Bike&Run events by the Danish Federation of Company Sports and local club events in Aarhus, the EU Capital of Culture.
Anyone can register an event on the official European Week of Sport Denmark webpage
You can also find regular event updates on Twitter