European Week of Sport goes to UN City!
The International Sport and Culture Association, as designated coordinator of the European Week of Sport in Denmark, will be getting staff at the UN headquarters in Copenhagen moving on 27 September as part of “the most active day in Europe”.
Together with a team of international students from the Ollerup Academy of Physical Education, ISCA will organise MOVEment Pills office exercise sessions, come-and-try activities, and a taste of the European Fitness Badge fitness tests during the lunch break in the UN City Lobby area. Staff from both UN City and WHO Europe are invited to join in the activities as it suits them.
The most active day in Europe coincides with key Europe-wide physical activity initiatives that are happening on the same day: European Fitness Day and the FlashMOVE (coordinated by ISCA), ukactive’s National Fitness Day in the UK and the 5th day of the #BeActive European Week of Sport 2017. Thousands of Europeans are expected to be exercising and dancing in fitness centres, clubs, on city squares and in their workplaces on the day.
All of these activities aims at promoting participation in sport and physical activity and at raising awareness about the numerous benefits of both. They are for everyone – regardless of age, background or fitness level and activate individuals, public authorities, the sport for all sector, civil society organisations and the private sector.
- WHO Europe recently launched its “Physical Activity Strategy for the WHO European Region 2016-2025”
- UNICEF’s work with sport aims to ensure that every child has the right to play and sport in a safe and healthy environment
- Action on Physical Activity can contribute to achieving 8 Sustainable development Goals
For more information about the European Week of Sport in Denmark, please visit