Want to get more people to #BeActive? Well now is your chance!
The European Week of Sport (EWoS) is a week of celebration. A week of bringing people together, opening their minds, expanding their possibilities, and most of all, a week to get more people moving around to continent to help combat the global inactivity crisis. Many people view exercise or sport as a chore, something difficult, uncomfortable or unpleasant, however, there are so many ways that people can get moving that there is something to suit everyone, so that people can find something enjoyable that gets their heart pumping, their muscles working and their endorphins flowing. With activity levels around the globe continually dropping, let’s get more people to #BeActive!
It is important that people get moving in sustainable ways, which will ensure they continue to be active long after the end of the EWoS. That is why there is a focus on expanding opportunities for people to get moving. People have busy lives, with numerous commitments, but with some imagination and cooperation this is no barrier to a healthier lifestyle. But it is not just individuals that is important to engage with this message. Workplaces and education establishments, where people spend so much of their daily lives, have a societal duty to help afford opportunities for people to be more active. It is also in their vested interests to have a healthier, more active society. Not only do people with higher activity levels have less sick days, but they are also more employable, and more productive as well. Furthermore, inactivity means greater spending on public healthcare is a necessity, and with a more active population less money needs diverting into this area, and can instead be spent in other important areas.
This is why we want you to get involved! You don’t have to be an athlete, sports coach or personal trainer to help people to #BeActive. Numerous events will be held from the 23rd-30th of September, and if you have more time to spare, are already involved in the exercise and sports sector, or are simply passionate about the cause, then you can play a bigger part in the EWoS. Let us know about any physical activity related events that you already have planned for the week, or anything you want to set in motion, and as the National Co-ordinator for the EWoS in Denmark we can publicise this and together help get more people involved and more people to #BeActive, we also have resources available to help get your idea up and running. Whether you are an employer organising a lunch-time work-out, a school running an after school sports-tournament, or simply plan on going to the park and playing Frisbee with some friends and family, you can organise an event and contribute to this fantastic initiative.
Sign-up here to register and organise your own event: http://europeanweekofsport.dk/sign-up/
Follow the updates on Twitter: https://twitter.com/ewos_dk?lang=en
See what happened last year: http://europeanweekofsport.dk/news/
For more information contact: js@isca-web.org
Just remember, you don’t have to wait until late September to #BeActive, there are so many opportunities out there right on your doorstep to get moving in a fun way, what is stopping you?!