Over 50 walks around Denmark inspire all ages to #BeActive
If high intensity sport and physical exercise are not right for you, then perhaps a mix of beautiful scenery, good company, and low-impact walking could inspire you to #BeActive?
Throughout the European Week of Sport, 23-30 September 2018, the Danish Ramblers’ Association (Dansk Vandrelaug) is offering over 50 different walks all over the country, varying in distance and difficultly.
Just as 81-year-old Danish author and Tour de France commentator, Jørgen Leth, promoted the association and the pleasure of walking with his trademark meandering poetry on Danish TV show Go’ Morgen Danmark:
“It’s important to walk. It’s important to walk. It’s good to walk. It’s good to walk. It’s important to walk. It’s good to walk a lot. It’s good to walk. It’s good to walk a lot.”
We think this says it all.
Watch the clip here: https://dvl.dk/goer-som-joergen-leth-gaa/
Find an event near you: https://europeanweekofsport.dk/events/ and here