#BeActive Awards 2019: Vibeskolen Nyborg – Danish nominee for the Education category
#BeActive Awards is the European Commission’s recognition of outstanding work and commitment at local levels to promote sport and physical activity in Europe. The competition is an integral part of the annual European Week of Sport (EWOS). One of the three categories is the #BeActive Education Award which celebrates innovative ways to encourage kids to #BeActive in an academic setting (in addition to the standard physical activity (PA) classes).
International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA) as the National Coordinating Body for EWOS in Denmark is entitled to submit the Danish nominations for the #BeActive Awards. ISCA collaborates with the Danish School Sport Federation to identify the nominee for the Education category.
This year, the Danish #BeActive Education Award candidate comes from the island of Funen. Vibeskolen Nyborg is a certified PA primary school that actively promotes a healthy and active lifestyle among its students and staff members every day. Physical activity at Vibeskolen Nyborg is used as a tool to enhance the learning and teaching process and make it more effective.
For example, movement breaks are an obligatory part of academic lessons and staff meetings. Active brain breaks and games help stimulate intellectual performance and break sedentary habits – which is why the students are welcome to use “activity boxes” with equipment for active games. Having analysed the behavioural patterns of its students, Vibeskolen Nyborg introduced an extra-long break in the middle of the day. By that time, children accumulate a lot of energy, so they are happy to spend it playing active games on brand new playgrounds while the classrooms are being aerated.

Moreover, the school is putting a lot of effort into highlighting active transportation from young age. Six new bicycles and 70 helmets were purchased recently for the kids to use. Pupils are encouraged to cycle to the activities located within a 10km radius.

In the daycare, much focus is put on developing the motor skills of younger pupils and nurturing their interest in active games and movement. Swimming and cycling, for instance, are a fixed part of the educational program.

All in all, the students of Vibeskolen Nyborg are not just passive recipients of the PA program. They actively experience it through their ever-growing skills and motivation. Adding more movement into the curriculum strengthens social skills and professional learning. Through initiatives like “Play Patrol”, where older kids are trained to organise active games for the younger, they set themselves as role models and inspiring examples. The school partners and collaborates with different sport associations, including the Danish School Sport Federation. One of the most inspiring examples of these initiatives is the Junior Sports Leader Training program, through which the kids between 7th and 9th grades can train to become coaches and boost their leadership skills.
The winners and finalists of 2019 #BeActive Awards will be announced at the official ceremony in Budapest, European Capital of Sport 2019, on 18 October.