#BeActive Panda: the story of an extraordinary European Week of Sport Denmark enthusiast
Please meet Cookie Warlock Greg – unofficial European Week of Sport Denmark representative, aka #BeActive Panda. His story started when he met the president of the International Sport and Culture Association (ISCA) Mogens Kirkeby during the first Europe-China Mobility (MOVE Transfer project) meeting and was so inspired by ISCA’s activities that he decided to move from China to Denmark. Since then, he has been living in Copenhagen and actively taking part in ISCA’s projects and campaigns.
Cookie wants to see everyone around him moving. That is why he is especially enthusiastic about the European Week of Sport, where ISCA is the National Coordinator for Denmark.
“I fell in love with the European Week of Sport initiative straight away. Promoting physical activity and encouraging others to #BeActive is absolutely amazing,” says Cookie.
“You probably know that pandas are not the most active animals. We sleep for about 10 hours per day and spend between 10 and 16 hours per day eating. But I am here to challenge this stereotype and motivate my relatives and everybody else to move more.”
“Don’t be confused by my sweet name. I got it because I am friendly, fluffy and cute. But I am really sporty and I prefer it when people call me #BeActive Panda or Warlock-Greg,” he adds.
To raise the awareness and promote the #BeActive message Cookie started his own Instagram account.
“Even if I am not a big fan of mobile devices and prefer to spend more time outdoors with my friends, I really want to become a #BeActive Ambassador. I see how my actions and my Instagram page make people smile and inspire them to move, and it makes me happy,” he explains.
Cookie is constantly active: he tries different physical activities to find the one that fits him best. For now, his favourites are running and cycling (two of the most popular ways to #BeActive in Copenhagen).
“My brightest memory so far is participation in the DHL Stafetten (dan. Relay race) in Copenhagen – the largest exercise race in the world. I am so thankful to have the opportunity to be a part of ISCA #BeActive team. I ran together with each team member, making it 25km in total!” Cookie shares.
Follow @BeActive_Panda on Instagram and get your dose of inspiration!